TLCFM the early days
In the early 80’s a forward thinking group of Lower Clarence volunteers got together to form a community radio station for the area.
A Cooperative was formed and people proposed and set about completing tasks such as technical, building, fund-raising, promotion and admin, which led to the publication of a supportive newspaper "Off The Record", the building of 2 radio studios, the obtaining of grants and other monies and the conducting of test broadcasts for the fledgling station.
TLCFM first lodged an expression of interest in March 1984 for a radio licence, followed up with 12 months work in studying topography and signal paths. At the time, the Clarence had no FM service of any sort and TLCFM's proposal was, other than Nambucca, the only North Coast NSW Station planned for the next 7 years.
December 1985 TLCFM held
the first FM test broadcast
into the Clarence Valley.
In 1988 as part of the Bicentennial celebrations permission was given (but no money) to build the station as a replica of Yamba’s first lighthouse. The location on top of Pilot Hill was granted by the Lands Department. Community volunteers worked diligently, making each cement black by hand on site. Additional grant funds were found with the plan of making it a combined radio station/tourist info centre.
We changed to an Incorporated Association and have a Permanent Community Radio License committed to bringing broadcasting to all sections of the Lower Clarence.
Our previous position on your radio dial was 100.3FM.
On 07.06.2022 we switched to 93.5FM.
A list of volunteers include the following (not an exhaustive list because memory fades). Many local individuals and firms helped out where they could:
Founders and early days:
Anne and John Matthei, Fred Carter, Neil Newman, Jack Gimbert, Peter Hyland, Marj Cousens, Ken Larkin, Dave Harrison, Mick and Cheryl Smith.
First Years:
Karen Flynn, Peter Lanser, Lotte Roelands, Phil Mahon, Gary Brisbane, Dot Burges, Hajar, Peter Finucan, Joy Mathews, Peter Cuming, John Riordan, John Kirby, Nancy Bain, Brian Sincock, Nick McGasic, Nat Young.
More Recent Years:
Di Ellis, Robyn Adams, John Treacey, Dave Lorenzo, Brian Dunne, Peter Finucan, Greg Addison, John Ibbotson, Howard Hall, Rebecca Beare-Bath, Wayne Hall, Dean Valerio, Sue Jones, Sonya, Stew, Vicky, Richard Fox, Tanya, Angus, Anne-Marie Wardrop ...and others.
2022 TLCFM 93.5 rebrand:
Website: PJ Lenehan (design), Anne-Marie Wardrop (research).
Marketing: PJ Lenehan, Graeme East, Peter Finucan, Anne-Marie Wardrop, Leigh Chiplin, Jeff Clout.
Announcements & station promos: Phil Schaeffer, Stew.

TLCFM 93.5

TLCFM who we are
Lower Clarence Community Radio Inc consists of financial members, a management board of members, tech crew members and committee members.
TLCFM board
The board is elected each year in October at our AGM. The board ensures the good governance of the station including its general direction, finances, maintenance and meeting our license requirements.
President / Secretary: Bruce Kennewell
Vice-President: Graeme East
Treasurer: Neal Holmes
Sponsorship: Dean Valerio
Designer: PJ Lenehan
Tech: Phil Shaeffer
Garrick Ansell
TLCFM tech crew
The tech crew are invaluable in keeping everything working, production work for sponsors and special events, as well as advising on future equipment needs.
Technical Manager: Phil Schaeffer
Tech: Stew
TLCFM programming committee
The programming committee manages and coordinates the programs and sponsorship announcements aired on TLCFM. This requires following community radio broadcasting guidelines, a lot of juggling, great people skills, flexibility and many phone calls ensuring the best outcome for presenters, members, listeners and the community.
All roles at TLCFM are unpaid and performed by volunteer members.
Interested in learning how you can be part of the TLCFM team?
TLCFM presenters

Our impressive TLCFM presenters organise their music playlists, research artists' backgrounds, prepare interviews, attend events and outside broadcasts and present their weekly shows on a voluntary basis.
Find out more about TLCFM presenters as well as discovering more about the diversity of our shows. With over 35 unique voice, our presenters represent the community we serve - you're sure to find a show that you like. A complete program guide and profile of current TLCFM presenters can be found on our program guide.
TLCFM presenters can live read your community announcement on our programs. You can promote your community event by emailing a short press release.
TLCFM presenters can do a live interview in our iconic lighthouse to promote touring artists and musicians in our area.
TLCFM community support
TLCFM ex-presenters
TLCFM thank and pay respects to our much loved ex-presenters who delivered stand-out radio content over the years to loyal listeners across the Lower Clarence, including:
Nancy Bain - Community News
Tony Scholes - Yaegl Aboriginal Voices
Anthony McManus - Inc Country
Philip Down - Sam I Am
Dom Ferry - The Acoustic Groove
Nat Young
Lyn Harden
Di Ellis - The Healing Hour
The Wahs - Wah Beats
Kori Eaton's Aria Top 10
Wayne Hall - Pub Rock
Kerrie Wilkins - The Wild Ones
Margot Scott - Easy Listening
Geoff Helisma
Angela Rock
Phil Nicholas
Tania & Tania - Tania's Got Issues
Will Webber - Doppelfaust
Ryan Enns - No Doubt About It
Rob Becker's Computer Show
Tom Roberts - Bad Dreams
Catriona Matheson - The GLBTQ Show
Mason Hell Cat - Monday Mediocrity
Ben Hollist
James Lang
Steve Stuttle
Ann-Marie Wardrop - Rock Show
Michael Harwood - It's My Party
Naomi Lindenberg - Electric Eclectic
Simon Blake - Rollin' Wheels
Tegan - Soul Body
Angie - Stereo Hearts
Bradley Watt - The Share-House
Cheetah & Candy - In The Jungle
Alick Locke - A Little More Country
Lauren - Beave's Beats
The Lonesome Boatman - Big Sky Music
Kellie Jones - KJ's Country
Sabina Lokic - Sunday Sessions
Jeff Clout - The Breakfast Show
Richard Fox - Sounds of Then
Ross - Rosco On The Radio
Dean Valerio - The Lounge (Show Only)
Bobby - The Wobbegong
Graham Robinson - Monday Moves
Ruby - Ruby Tuesdays / Fridays
Tom Hogarth - Maiden Voyage
PJ + Maia - Sweet Jane
Tilly & Fallon - The Comfort Zone
Peter Finucan - Music For Mad Dogs
Virginia Wolverine - Bird On A Wireless
Sonya - Dove Love